Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm new at this blogging business

I'm just testing this blogging business out for the first time :) I will be leaving shortly for Africa on a nine month adventure. . .living and working in a rural village as a primary health care worker. Although this internship is being supported by CIDA, I am going over with Emmanuel International, a faith-based, inter-denominational organization whose mandate is to "encourage, strengthen and assist churches worldwide to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the poor in accordance with Holy Scriptures". My job will consist of working directly at the clinic teaching preventative health care practices to those patients in the waiting room and working throughout the village, doing home visits and teaching health promotion and prevention practices. . .I've been told that once I get there I will be better informed as to what the current projects are - and to expect to do anything and everything related to health carre! I'm very excited for this opportunity that I've been granted and I appreciate the time you've taken (and hopefully will continue to take!) to join me in this adventure!

ps..ANYONE who wants to come to Tanzania is MORE than welcome to come and visit!! Just send me an email and we can make plans to meet somewhere!

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